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Pests - Identification


Rats & Mice
Pests - Identification

Rats are infamous for spreading disease including Typhoid and the plague. Even though the diseases are actually transmitted by the fleas they carry, their threat to public health is recognized. Read more »

Carpenter Ant Damage

Pests - Identification

This is a stump damaged by carpenter ants - but it could just as easily be a beam of your house. Carpenter ants chew away the wood in your house while they make the tunnels of their colony. Read more »

White-faced Hornet

Bees & Wasps
Pests - Identification

Hornets are a type of wasp and are are usally quite large. Unlike most other wasps, the white- or bald-faced hornet is white and black rather than yellow and black. Read more »

American Cockroach

Pests - Identification

Cockroaches are well-known for their risks to public health. The American species is perhaps the most well recognized. Read more »

Brown Recluse Spider

Other Pests
Pests - Identification

A Funny Thing I Heard About "Red and Black Wood Ants"...

"Yep, I know what they are - red and black wood ants. Come this way." -- A Customer

Well, I chuckled at that. In the Northeast, the common species of carpenter ant is Camponous pennsylvanicus. It is completely black. However, there are some variations in color and size among different species of carpenter ants. Read more »

A Funny Thing I Heard About Wasps...

Wasps are beneficial insects. They lay their eggs on fly pupa and kill them by doing so. We would do well to leave them alone. Well... that's a true statement - kind of. Wasps are generally harmless, although yellowjackets, umbrella wasps and the infamous hornet can become a health and safety hazard for humans. Read more »


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